


Lavr 2017
Lavr 2017
October 24, 2017
Lavr 2017
Using the Dissernet social movement as an example, we will tell you how our actions are connected with our genes, and why some become crooks, while others fight these crooks.
Dissernet: the evolution of altruism
Dmitriy Zavilgelsky
Russia, 2017
50 min
A film about the work of Russian microbiologists, discoveries, research expeditions. The film also raises the question of how ideas appear, theories and hypotheses are built.
Life with bacteria
Stanislav Stavinov, Andrey Timoschenko
Russia, 2017
52 min
Hundreds of thousands of scientists have left Russia in recent decades. Some are returning. Those who come back, Russia meets differently.
Watching the flight of thought
Vladimir Gerchikov
Russia, 2017
78 min
To a person who does not experience vision problems, it may seem that fine art does not exist in the world of the blind. They don't have it, so they don't need it. “Imagine” is a film-journey to the border area. Blinded due to an illness, an art critic, a fan of painting who lost her sight after the birth of children, an artist who has been blind since childhood. The heroes of the film are people who are in love with art, looking for an opportunity to reconnect with visual culture, cut off by circumstances. What do those who seem to see nothing actually see? What do those who have recently become blind remember? And how do those who live in darkness imagine the world?
Katerina Gordeeva, Nikolai Kovalkov, Viktor Vohmincev
Russia, 2017
55 min
Russian, Spanish
Russian, English
This film covers 30 years from 1918 to 1948. Unprecedented until that time in any country of the world, a bright and massive Jewish participation in all spheres of state policy and culture. Triumphs almost always followed by tragedy. Both are part of the history of Russia.
Russian Jews. Film Two. 1918-1948
Sergey Nurmamed
Russia, 2017
125 min
A documentary study of the circumstances and course of the drama that unfolded in the second half of the 1930s around the project to create in the USSR "Soviet Hollywood", the center of the film industry in the image and likeness of the American "dream factory". A drama in which human characters, ideological conflicts, and the spirit of the era were clearly manifested.
"Dream Factory" for Comrade Stalin
Boris Karadzhev
Russia, 2017
65 min
A documentary film about a man who solves the problem of individual immortality. He's not going to die. Various options are being considered from cryonics (freezing the brain and body) to digital immortality (digitization of consciousness). Note that the hero lives in Russia, where the topic of immortality is practically not explored. However, everything is ahead. Who knows, perhaps this person will succeed in becoming one of the first "immortals".
Artem Firsanov
Russia, 2017
17 min
Just as you don't have to be an athlete to enjoy a sports match, you don't have to be a scientist to enjoy a scientific conference if you have the right commentator.
Whispers of String Theory
Ekaterina Eremenko
Germany, 2017
24 min
English, Russian

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