


Boris Karadzhev
Boris Karadzhev
Режиссёр и сценарист документального кино. С 2002 года руководитель мастерской режиссуры документального кино во ВГИКе.
Date of birth
The film tells about one of the most familiar to man and at the same time the most amazing substances of the surrounding world, about air, about its natural properties, about the contradictions and costs of its uncontested "cohabitation" with a person. The basis of the film's narrative will be the monologues of recognized experts in various fields of knowledge and various fields of activity, each of which will characterize the air from their professional point of view.
Life with the invisible
44 min
The main characters are famous Russian clowns who became great jesters (or are they heroes?) of their time who not only entertained the audience, but also often had the audacity to speak the truth while laughing.
Сomrade clown
47 min
About the life and creative path of the Ural poet Alexei Reshetov. For most of his conscious life, he worked as an electrician at one of the potash mines in the city of Berezniki. There he began to write poetry and publish a little, first in local newspapers, then in Perm and Yekaterinburg. He never lived to see the glory of the capital and great regalia, but he managed to exert a strong influence on the spiritual development of several generations of local residents.
The  other speech
75 min
During the years of socialism, Moscow has become a kind of museum of the Soviet period. But city monuments are not just museum exhibits, they “live” among us on the streets and squares, their destinies are closely intertwined with the destinies of the city and its inhabitants, with the events taking place at their pedestals. What place does the Soviet monumental heritage occupy in our cultural consciousness and in the space of a modern city?
From the life of monuments
52 min
The film tells about a unique creative and family duet, about two outstanding theater directors Henrietta Yanovskaya and Kama Ginkas, who have been building an amazing theater house for thirty years. Not only for himself and his actors, but also for hundreds of viewers devoted to them. In other words, this film is a family portrait in the interior of the theater and in the “exterior” of time.
Theater of Geta & Kama times
58 min
A documentary study of the circumstances and course of the drama that unfolded in the second half of the 1930s around the project to create in the USSR "Soviet Hollywood", the center of the film industry in the image and likeness of the American "dream factory". A drama in which human characters, ideological conflicts, and the spirit of the era were clearly manifested.
"Dream Factory" for Comrade Stalin
65 min
More than a quarter of a century has passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. We still feel the contradictory echoes of this process and, probably, we will feel it for a long time to come. There is little left that still unites the former citizens of the former empire. And this is not least Soviet food, an absolutely unique socio-cultural phenomenon of Soviet history and Soviet life.
Eating in the USSR
52 min
Everyday life of Permians during the Great Patriotic War. They are the last of the witnesses and participants in the events of the rear life, who were children during the war years. The shooting was attended by more than two dozen veterans, as well as students of the municipal school "Boys' Choir Chapel". In the picture you can see newsreels, unique photographs and front-line letters from personal and state archives.
Ask us ...
79 min
The famous English science fiction writer Herbert Wells visited our country three times. The first time was 100 years ago, in 1914. Then in 1920 and 1934. And each time another Russia opened before him, completely different from the one he had seen during his previous trip.
Through the haze
58 min
At the turn of the millennium, Viktor Pelevin became perhaps the most fashionable, popular and commercially successful writer in Russia. At the same time, he does not appear in public, does not give interviews, wears dark glasses, and does not like being recognized on the street. Who is he, this mysterious Mr. Pelevin? How did it happen that today the most honorable title for a Russian writer, “ruler of thoughts” turned out to be applicable to him? And how did he manage to keep his "incognito"? All this is reflected in the film by people who knew our elusive protagonist well at different periods of his life, his classmates and teachers, friends of youth and colleagues, writers, critics and publishers.
Writer "P". Attempt to identify
75 min
About the Yalta Conference, the meeting of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, which took place in February 1945 and determined the fate of the post-war world, mountains of books have been written and many films have been shot. It would seem that these events have long been known. But only relatively recently, thanks to the research of the famous Russian historian William Pokhlebkin, we became aware of the details of the grandiose "culinary" action, a series of banquets that accompanied the negotiations of the allies in the devastated Crimea that war winter. For obvious reasons, these feasts could not fall into the field of view of the then newsreels. But miraculously preserved materials give us the opportunity to feel their scale and specific atmosphere. No one claims that the materials are documentary.
1945 Menu
26 min
Everyone knows that Perm is a theater and ballet city. Here is the famous opera and ballet theater, the famous ballet school, whose graduates dance on the best stages in the world, and a grateful, understanding and appreciating public. But, probably, not everyone knows that it all began in the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, when the Kirov Theater (now the Mariinsky Theater) and the Vaganov Ballet School were evacuated to the city of Molotov (as Perm was then called) from Leningrad, which was already practically blockaded by the Nazis. Then began this evacuation romance that continues to this day.
Evacuation romance
53 min
About the tragic fate of the German teenager Hubert Loste, who, by the will of circumstances, ended up in the USSR in the era of "great construction projects" and "great terror".
Hubert in Wonderland
52 min
In 1992, during the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, the famous Sukhumi monkey nursery was at the epicenter of military events. The fighting took place not only on the neighboring streets of Sukhumi, but also directly on the territory of the nursery. Some of the monkeys were transported by the staff to Russia, to a branch of the institute in Adler. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save all primates. Hundreds of monkeys died, unable to endure the cold, hunger, stress. The history of the monkey nursery from Sukhumi is not only another drama of the collision of the world of people and the world of nature. This is a fairly accurate reflection of what happens to the human community itself in the so-called "hot spots".
Unnatural selection
26 min
Writer Sergei Kaledin gained fame and popularity at the dawn of perestroika. His stories "Humble Cemetery" and "Stroybat" became real bestsellers, were translated, published in many countries of the world. But a few years ago, Sergei realized that he had already realized all his literary plans, and he did not want to write just to confirm his status as a writer. And on the advice of his friend Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Sergei decides to go to work in a children's educational colony.
New Years is soon
51 min