Artdoc.Media Cinematheque is a non-profit project. We don't and won't advertise. That said, the vast majority of the movies on our site are available for free viewing. And absolutely all films, both paid and free, Artdoc.Media shows legally, with the consent of copyright holders. We are against piracy and for independent cinema.
The total fee for viewing movies online covers only 1/5 of the cost of maintaining the resource. In addition, we need funds to edit and add to the database, maintain a server with more than 3,000 films, contact hundreds of rights holders, formalize relationships with them, and open films for viewing.
We look forward to your support. It will help Artdoc.Media survive, and we will know that the work of the resource is important to you, our viewers!
We understand that almost all organizations in Russia today, independent of the state, live on people's money. And we know that there will always be those who need your help more than we do. If you don't want to make a donation, you can buy a subscription. It's also a great way to support independent documentaries!