In 1987, the UN Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution recognizing conscientious objection to military service as "a legitimate exercise of freedom of thought, conscience and religion." In Russia, the right to alternative civilian service was first enshrined in the 1993 Constitution. By law, not only believers can refuse to serve in the armed forces. Other citizens have the right to declare not about faith, but about CONVINCES that are incompatible with military service, peacekeeping, philosophical, moral, ethical, political, etc. Alternative employees work as librarians, orderlies, archivists, workers in circuses and theaters, etc. Sounds good - peaceful work is wonderful! But in the military enlistment office you need to prove that your beliefs are such. The draft board will decide what exactly you are sincerely convinced of. An attempt to exercise one's legal right in Russia often leads to a dramatic clash between the Personality and the System, which shaves everyone with the same brush and is merciless to those who stand out from the crowd.