Georgia, Kutaisi. The war had just ended, there were few joys. Everyone's nerves were on edge, the homeless went in flocks. I lived as a partisan in my hometown, and the only island where I felt good was Library No. 6, this is how the amazing childhood story of the artist, writer and director Rezo Gabriadze begins, in which real facts are mixed with the fantasies and dreams of a 10-year-old boy. In simple words of a little boy, Rezo Gabriadze talks about love, respect, repentance, forgiveness, growing up, interspersing funny and sad in equal proportions. He tells charming and touching stories about how to pass the test of humanity, comprehend compassion and find beauty in the little things in life. A feature-length animated film based on the stories and drawings of Rezo himself is a warm and touching declaration of love to the artist from the people closest to him.