A unique documentary project from the KION Originals line, combining a lively, dynamic story with a social aspect. A fascinating adventure of a man from a different culture who adapted to the new conditions and managed to achieve impressive success. Through a chain of failures and losses, overcoming a variety of obstacles, a foreigner only becomes stronger and never loses faith in himself or in those around him. The main character is farmer Justus Walker. Once Jastas, together with a large American family, moved from the United States to Russian Siberia and settled in the village of Takuchet in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Over the years of farming, Justas has set up a real personal farm in Takucheta. "The Merry Milkman", embodying a classic dream on native Russian soil - an image that could not pass by filmmakers. The life and work of Justas promotes love and respect for the earth, no matter who it is.