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A film-reasoning about the connection of generations. There are many questions, and almost no ready-made answers. Tatyana Andreevna Frolova is a guideline for finding these answers. Grandmother speaks about her difficult fate with a smile, without bitterness. Her attitude to life, grateful acceptance of everything that she had to endure, becomes the basis of a dialogue, after which, you may want to understand yourself and critically look at your life attitudes.
Warm your hands up with snow
Rodion Antakov
Russia, 2019
39 min
Moscow. Relationships in 2018.
Fantastic delirium
Tatyana Zhukova
Russia, 2019
59 min
The fragments of this history were hardly destined to unite, any connection with the past was systematically destroyed in post-revolutionary Russia. The priestly family of the Faustritskys turned out to be among the many that seemed to be lost forever. The memorial with names burned down, family photo archives were destroyed out of fear. However, by an “accidental” coincidence, the book of the life of the priestly family suddenly opened itself to posterity, and it turned out to be possible to read, without a doubt, the brightest page in his story about his readiness to die for the faith.
Name Book
Lyudmila Razgon
Russia, 2019
88 min
The epic of repairing a door in the Russian outback.
Through the window
Sofya Semenova
Russia, 2019
9 min
The Velikoretsky Cross Procession is considered the most numerous and most difficult pilgrimage route in Russia. Many participants in the procession believe that if you walk this path with pure thoughts and a specific request to God, then it will be fulfilled. The main character of the film, Leonid, also has a request, a secret dream. And there is a feeling that this procession is the last for him.
The Creep
Andrey Kiselev, Maksim Pahomov
Russia, 2019
68 min
Leading political technologists Wolf and Hare are busy discussing the news of current politics! They smash the political elite to smithereens from Putin to Trump, from Erdogan to Merkel. All scandals, high-profile events, intrigues are revealed. Politics is available without embellishment in the satirical show DW "Reserve".
Deutsche Welle
Latvia, 2019
60 min
What do escalators in Medellín, Arabic lettering in Amman, story-telling furniture from London, urban farming in Detroit and a co-living complex in Tokyo have to do with the Bauhaus? The architect Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus in Weimar in 1919. He brought together some of the most illustrious artists in Europe to create a school that would fuse the fine arts and the crafts. Together, they set out to fundamentally rethink the world and society. Although the Bauhaus school – which later relocated to Dessau and then to Berlin – only existed for a few years, it revolutionized ideas about the organization of modern life. In 2019, the Bauhaus will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding. To mark the occasion, planetfilm has produced a documentary for Deutsche Welle. The film focusses on the influence that the philosophy of the Bauhaus movement still exerts on the globalized society of the 21st century. It also explores historical parallels between 1919 and the present day: Society is facing major upheavals and challenges, just as it did back then. Filmmakers meet architects, urban planners, designers and artists from around the globe who, in the spirit of the Bauhaus, want to rethink and change the world.
BauhausWORLD. The Code, the Effect, the Utopia
Lydia Ranke
Germany, 2018
90 min
The 9th Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most popular pieces of classical music in the world. Even those who are not passionate about classical music recognize the famous Ode to Joy. Despite the grim context in which it was created, the 9th Symphony leaves us fascinated, moved and uplifted by its creativity, its power and its culmination in the Ode to Joy. More than 160 years after it was written, Beethoven’s hymn to brotherhood was adopted by the European Union as its official anthem. But Beethoven’s Ninth is also met with enthusiasm far beyond the borders of Europe. What’s the explanation for its never-ending success? What is it about this work of art that fascinates people all over the world?
Beethoven’s Ninth: Symphony for the World
Christian Berger
Germany, 2019
52 min
An elderly couple, Valentina and Vladimir, met through an advertisement in the Lonely Hearts Club newspaper about finding soulmates. The protagonist comes to St. Petersburg from the Altai Territory to start a new life and start a family. But it turned out that not everything is so simple. How has their life changed during the six months of watching the camera? What are the protagonists willing to do for their happiness? And who do they really need?
Lonely Hearts
Angelina Morozova
Russia, 2019
28 min
Six weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Helmut Kohl went to Dresden. The enthusiastic reception he received there acted as a catalyst for a rapid German reunification. The speech Kohl gave there was the most difficult and probably most important speech of his life. Peter Limbourg will never forget December 19, 1989. That’s when, as a young television correspondent reporting on the historic events surrounding the fall of the Berlin Wall, he went to Dresden, where the West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl was to meet with the de facto East German leader Hans Modrow to stabilize the situation in the communist state. But shortly after his arrival, it became clear that the thousands of East Germans lining the streets and giving him an enthusiastic welcome were in no mood for lengthy negotiations. They wanted a united Germany — and as fast as possible. Until then, Kohl had thought it would take at least three or four years to bring the two Germanies together, but this day in Dresden made him realize that everything could go much faster. His spontaneous speech in Dresden turned into a rhetorical tightrope act. He knew he couldn’t disappoint the East Germans nor snub the four Allied Powers, and that "Any slip of the tongue would have been immediately interpreted in Paris, London or Moscow” as a sign of nationalism. Thirty years later, Limbourg goes back to Dresden and talks to the political leaders of the time and to the citizens of Dresden who, like himself, witnessed that historic moment.
Chancellor Helmut Kohl's speech and German reunification
Peter Limbourg, Alex Mänz
Germany, 2019
43 min
In January 1943, with a powerful offensive by Soviet troops in the direction of Donbass and Kharkov, the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi occupation began. The Red Army reached the Dnieper lines, crossed the Dnieper and liberated Kiev. Forced the Dnieper and Mykola. On the Dnieper he was wounded, an enemy shrapnel injured his knee. Since then, Mikola can walk very slowly and only with a stick. Now he lives on the outskirts of the city of Mena, in the Chernihiv region of Ukraine. He is not the only veteran from Men, the veteran movement has always been developed here, there were monuments in almost every village, Eternal fires were burning. Now the events of those distant years have been forgotten in a series of today's problems. But for the Mensky veterans, May 9 is still the main day of the calendar.
Eternal flame
Vitaly Mansky
Russia, 2013
16 min
In the north of Russia, far beyond the Arctic Circle, on the shores of the White Sea, on the Kanin Peninsula, there is an amazing settlement. The houses in it, almost to the very roofs, are covered with sand, and the streets are somewhere deep under the sand dunes. From afar, this village can be mistaken for an abandoned one. But people live there. Which spend all their time, all their strength on the battle with the desert advancing on them from the White Sea. The film tells the story of the dramatic transformation of the prosperous fishing village of Shoyna into a dying village, almost completely buried in the sands.
Between sky and sand
Vadim Kondakov
Russia, 2017
43 min
Nestled in the hills of Transcaucasia, and entirely preserved in time, there are several villages founded by the Molokans – a Russian sect of Christians. They were exiled to the mountain Azerbaijani region of Kabristan by Czar Nicholas I in the 1830s. The Molokans now have all but become extinct. The remaining settlers now lack a succeeding generation to whom they could pass on their original traditions, and the film intends to make it possible for the local Molokans to reproduce their history for their descendants sprawled across the world. The film discovers the traces of hidden life left in Kabristan, while simultaneously unveiling the present-day lives of the locals.
The Molokans
Saglara Tyurbeeva
Russia, Azerbaijan, 2018
77 min
We recall the bloodiest battle that became a turning point in modern European history, the battle of Stalingrad, its causes, its main events. The film takes into account new research, uses little-known or previously unpublished materials from the Bundesarchive and the Museum "Children of Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd".
Stalingrad. Aren't we still alive?
Aleksey Yankovsky
Russia, 2017
78 min
For three years now, a large family of the Old Believer Fyodor Kilin from Latin America has been moving to the taiga of Primorsky Krai. And this is not just a geographical movement across the ocean to the Motherland, it is a process of reunification with the land, the modern culture of the historical homeland, with the people who inhabit it, with the state. And sometimes this process takes on tragic features.
In search of paradise
Irina Bahtina
Russia, 2012
44 min
Documentary film 'Mustafa' shows the history of the Crimean Tatars leader's, Mustafa Dzhemilev, which is a symbol of peaceful resistance against injustice and discrimination. It includes his struggle for returning to Crimea from the exile places during the Soviet Union, the trial course against him, his experience of over 15 years as a political prisoner in a Soviet labor camps and his long hunger strike as the longest hunger strike human history.
Ernes Saryhalilov
Ukraine, 2016
90 min
English, Ukrainian
A film about the fate of the writer Vladimir Voinovich, filmed in the places where he spent his childhood and youth.
Vladimir Voinovich. Stay yourself
Valeriy Balayan
Russia, 2012
39 min
Film-portrait of the outstanding artist-animator Alexander Petrov.
Art at your fingertips
Aleksey Pogrebnoy
Russia, 2012
48 min
There are many legends associated with the voodoo religion. Her rituals are surrounded by an aura of mystery. The small West African state of Benin is considered the cradle of this religion. In the holds of slave ships, the voodoo religion crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and now there are over 50 million of its adherents in the world. The protagonist of the film, a teenager Pascal, will have to undergo initiation into the most mysterious cult on earth.
Obsessed with voodoo
Sergey Yastrzhembsky
Russia, 2012
44 min
On the evening of July 1, 1960, an American military aircraft was shot down over the Barents Sea, which violated the state border of the USSR. What did the RB-47 do in the Barents Sea near the borders of the USSR? How did the events of July 1, 1960 develop on the northern borders of the Soviet state and in Moscow? What was the fate of the surviving crew members of the American reconnaissance aircraft? What happened to the pilot Vasily Polyakov, who shot down the RB-47? The film includes an interview with a crew member of a reconnaissance aircraft, Vasily Polyakov, some materials from the still unclassified criminal case No. 45, film materials from the US State Archives.
Interrupted flight of "ferrets"
Aleksandr Slavin
Russia, 2011
39 min