


Pavel Medvedev
Pavel Medvedev
Кинорежиссёр Санкт-Петербургской студии документальных фильмов. Художественный руководитель киностудии «Медведь-Фильм». Преподаватель творческой мастерской неигрового кино в Санкт-Петербургском государственном институте кино и телевидения.
Date of birth
The film "The Chronicle of Reality" is about the Leningrad-St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio. Among the heroes of the film are not only famous film directors who shot films at the studio in different years, such as Mikhail Litvyakov, Alexander Sokurov, Victor Kosakovsky, Efim and Alekxey Uchitel, Edgar Bartenev, Pavel Kogan, Evgeny Yufit, Sergey Loznitsa, Nikolai Obukhovich, Lyudmila Stanukinas, but also employees of other professions. Without the energy of all these people, a unique phenomenon in the history of cinematography, the Leningrad-St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio, would not have been born. The studio was created to shoot propaganda films under the control of communist ideology and managed to shoot lyrical pictures. These films still excite the viewer. The creative opposition of directors, screenwriters and cameramen was able to create, under the conditions of strict censorship, a unique language of film expression, based not on words but on images. "Chronicle of Reality" is a film about how the oldest film studio is imperceptibly changing, and how the country and its people are changing along with it.
A Chronicle of Reality
143 min
30 years ago, during the years of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the struggle of the national republics for independence, Russian TV journalist Svetlana Kulchitskaya filmed documentary television films about the tragic events in Nagorno-Karabakh, where the war was going on. With the hope of finding people who are captured in documentary chronicles, she returns to this land. The film tells the story of a people who, without an army, surrounded by a blockade, managed to defend their independence and freedom.
80 min
The blockade of Leningrad, one of the most tragic pages of the Great Patriotic War, is still not fully understood. Created on the eve of the Victory, the Museum of Defense and Siege of Leningrad was barbarously destroyed a few years later. Just as dramatic as the Museum was the fate of its first director, Lev Rakov. The film tells about the fate of this St. Petersburg intellectual.
The mournful echo of the siege. Leo Rakov.
52 min
This is a Lithuanian look at the love story and life of Pyotr Stolypin, whose fate, despite the threats of terror and mutilation of children, was shared by his wife, the former maid of honor of Empress Maria Feodorovna, Olga Borisovna Neidgardt.
A Knight and a Maid of Honour. A Portrait Against the Background of Lithuania
56 min
Dans l'appartement de la famille Brodsky de la maison Muruzi, il est prévu d'ouvrir un musée en l'honneur du poète, lauréat du prix Nobel, expulsé de son pays natal, pour une seule journée. Le film de Pavel Medvedev, empreint de bouffonnerie et de grotesque, raconte une tragi-comédie jouée entre les murs d'un appartement communal de Saint-Pétersbourg.
Joseph's land
111 min
The film is dedicated to the formation in modern Russia of a new model of the personality cult of the early 21st century. This is a short story from the life of the country's political elite. The film was shot using the method of observation, thanks to which there is a feeling of an endless theater of the absurd, in which the modern political leaders of Russia and their people continue to dwell.
20 min
A person born in a metropolis, accustomed to traffic flows, crowd noise, glass, concrete, stone. This environment is perceived by him as natural. And in a real park, green fields for him are “artificial turf”.
Artificial Turf
30 min
Every autumn, Russia hosts a congress of the country's most massive political party. The best people of a huge power come to the congress.
26 min
The desire of a person, a people, a state to become stronger, to achieve success and superiority is inexhaustible. Huge sacrifices, unthinkable means are brought to the altar of victory. And only years later comes the understanding that everything could have been done differently. A film about the conquest of space, about the cost of these steps to the main space powers, the USSR, America, China.
The Ascension
50 min
The film tells about the land of the Pomors (now the Arkhangelsk region). On this earth 45 years ago, the most powerful hydrogen bomb in the history of mankind was tested; and now oil, gas, diamonds are extracted from its bowels; the country's nuclear fleet is being built at sea shipyards; the latest types of rockets are launched from spaceports; and the way of life of the Pomors has changed little in recent centuries. Hunting, fishing, handicrafts, that's what keeps the life of a simple village.
On the Third Planet from the Sun
31 min
The film is almost speechless. Because it's about the value of sound. And about the deaf. These people differ from those who hear only in that they live in absolute silence, but this does not mean at all that they are flawed or unhappy. The world of silence is just as interesting and significant for them as for those who hear it is the world of sounds.
Wedding of silence
26 min