


Я же не фермер, я дизайнер

I'm not a farmer, I'm a designer

  • 18 min
  • Russian
Olga Shulgina is a designer by profession, and in creating a farm she also went “from beauty”. We came for a walk with the family on the edge of the village, the dog ran away, went to look for it and saw a pretty place, which was then in desolation. As a result, the next day they paid money for the plot. They laid a garden, then their chickens, then someone said that milk would be nice. In just 3 years, the place has turned into a cheese factory, a restaurant and a recreation area for families and guests of the region. Now, under the careful attention of Olga and her assistant, the young technologist Gerd, a variety of cheeses, ricotta, parmesan, and camembert are ripening. All with great love.