The series is based on the memories of children, participants and witnesses of various events in Russia in the 20th century. How children who grew up in Russia in different years of the 20th century perceived the world around them, and with it the everyday life of Russian history. Life, the behavior of parents, the behavior of friends and enemies of the family, the external environment, social upheavals, political events, all this is noticed by children, all this adds up to that picture of history that we will not find either in official reports or in historical research.
Film crew
- Director
- Alexander Avilov, Elena Demidova, Tatyana Kolganova, Igor Morozov, Nikita Tikhonov
- Screen writer
- Lilia Borovskaya
- Operator
- Sergei Afandeev, Igor Morozov
- Producer
- Marina Drozdova, Alexander Kiselev
- Theme
- History, Lifestyle, Children, Psychology
- Country
- Russia
- Film studio
- Продюсерский центр СоюзКиноЖурнал
- Genre
- Series, Monologue, Essay
- Country of action
- Russia
- Period of action
- 1918-1924, 1925-1940
- Festivals
- Lavr doc 2007
- Financing
- Television
- 16+
- Languages
- Russian