


Нерассказанные истории. Дождь. Первая пятилетка

Untold stories. Rain. The first five-year plan

  • 16+
  • 40 min
  • Russian
For the 5th anniversary of the Dozhd TV channel, the first creative producer of Dozhd, Vera Krichevskaya, wanted to share with you stories about how the channel changed along with the country. And as a result, a whole documentary series turned out from this idea. It is much wider than life inside the Dozhd. Five episodes about every year of the life of the Dozhd TV channel. In the 5th episode, all the most important things that happened in the life of Dozhd in 2014 - the Siege survey, Timur Olevsky got lost in the Donbass, the investigation of the missing paratroopers in Ukraine and Dozhd's moves from Krasny Oktyabr to the apartment.