To the 85th anniversary of film director Yuliy Andreevich Fait. In cinema since 1960, director of the sixties. The most famous films are “While the front is on the defensive” and “Boy and Girl”, banned by censorship in Soviet times. Graduate of VGIK, the famous workshop of Mikhail Romm, classmate of Andrei Tarkovsky and Vasily Shukshin, friend of Gennady Shpalikov, son of actor Andrei Fait. After the ban on the film "Boy and Girl" Yuli Andreevich was excommunicated for a long time from feature films, in fact, deprived of the opportunity to shoot. This documentary film is built in the form of some kind of journey of the heroes of Yuliy Andreevich from his diploma work “A Tram to Other Cities”, a wonderful film of the beginning of the thaw.