


Andrey Istratov
Andrey Istratov
Кинорежиссёр, сценарист, продюсер, член Союза Кинематографистов и Гильдии Кинорежиссеров России. Автор, сценарист и режиссёр телепрограмм «Легенды мирового кино» и «Легенды кино» на канале «Культура». Выдвинут на соискание премии «ТЭФИ-2007».
Date of birth
Unlike most biographical films, the core of the plot is not the biography, but the search for and analysis of the formation of specific cinematic techniques and, as a result, the various ideas that are present in Khutsiev’s work. We will see how this cinematic language was born, how it burst into the world, how it was invented, how it transformed over the years.
The Era Of Cinematic Language. Marlen Khutsiev
50 min
To the 85th anniversary of film director Yuliy Andreevich Fait. In cinema since 1960, director of the sixties. The most famous films are “While the front is on the defensive” and “Boy and Girl”, banned by censorship in Soviet times. Graduate of VGIK, the famous workshop of Mikhail Romm, classmate of Andrei Tarkovsky and Vasily Shukshin, friend of Gennady Shpalikov, son of actor Andrei Fait. After the ban on the film "Boy and Girl" Yuli Andreevich was excommunicated for a long time from feature films, in fact, deprived of the opportunity to shoot. This documentary film is built in the form of some kind of journey of the heroes of Yuliy Andreevich from his diploma work “A Tram to Other Cities”, a wonderful film of the beginning of the thaw.
Film director Julius Fayt. Tram to another city
44 min
The first film about the Central Documentary Film Studio. In 1931, on the basis of the newsreel department at the Sovkino film factory, the All-Union newsreel factory Soyuzkinochronika was organized. In 1936 it became the Moscow Newsreel Studio, from the 40th it was renamed into the Central Newsreel Studio, from the 44th it became the Central Documentary Film Studio. The film tells about how the film chronicle was written. How a new documentary film language, unique for the whole world, was composed. What operators, directors and representatives of other film professions had to overcome. Acquaintance with the studio itself and the beginning of its history. Arctic epics by Mark Troyanovsky. His memoirs, descriptions of the problems of "shooting in the ice". And also "Lever" by Vertov.
Central Documentary Film Studio: Starting Point. Film one
39 min
The second film about the Central Documentary Film Studio. Ballad about a front-line cameraman. The tactics of filming tank battles, aerial filming, filming the offensive near Moscow, the Nuremberg trials and work on the Great Patriotic War epic. The story about the front-line operators Viktor Dobronitsky, Mark Troyanovsky, Roman Karmen, Vladimir Sushchinsky. The front groups included, according to the latest data, 314 operators and assistants, as well as 107 administrators, directors, sound engineers. Every second was wounded, every fourth died. The result is three and a half million meters of film, 500 issues of various newsreels, 67 short and 34 full-length military films.
Central Documentary Film Studio: Starting Point. Film two
39 min
The third film about the Central Documentary Film Studio. Memoirs of cameramen Igor Osipov and Viktor Dobronitsky. The heyday of the studio. Seventies. The team is like one family. Extreme shooting in the mountains, long expeditions across the country, the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Difficult and nerve-wracking footage of military exercises and the most remote locations.
Central Documentary Film Studio: Starting Point. Film three
38 min
The fourth film about the Central Documentary Film Studio. The eighties in the history of the studio, the eighties in the history of the country. The beginning of perestroika. Each employee of the studio could be in Chernobyl today, tomorrow on the set in Afghanistan, the day after tomorrow, cross the equator and film the rescue of the “Mikhail Somov” trapped in the ice of Antarctica. The film will tell the Arctic and Antarctic stories of cameraman Alexander Kochetkov Jr., the Afghan and Chernobyl stories of cameraman Konstantin Durnov and director Tatyana Chubakova.
Central Documentary Film Studio: Starting Point. Film Four
40 min
This story happened to cosmonaut Alexander Ivanovich Lazutkin. He spent 184 days in orbit as part of an expedition to the Soviet-Russian station Mir in 1997. It was probably the most difficult, the most “abnormal” flight in the history of manned cosmonautics. Alexander Ivanovich dreams of that flight every night. Non-standard catastrophic situations are returning today, forcing us to reflect, re-read diaries, and relive everything anew. But the main thing is not the technical and not the "action" aspects of these situations, but the psychology of a person overcoming all these problems, since another "emergency situation" of this flight is the struggle with oneself, the search for one's strengths, the limits of internal reserves.
Star Diaries: Chronicle of Overcoming
44 min
People have been living in space for a long time, in a big House called planet Earth, but only six decades ago we became the real owners of this House, because we got the opportunity to go out and look at it from the outside, from the top point. We have acquired an ideal instrument and unlimited possibilities for observing and studying the Earth. How many amazing discoveries have been made since then thanks to the scientific instruments put into orbit. We learned where most of the oxygen we breathe actually comes from, how such powerful and dangerous natural phenomena as typhoons and hurricanes are formed, we looked deep underground and discovered fantastic processes there. And this is only the beginning, only the first steps in the holistic and systematic knowledge of this beautiful and mysterious cosmic object.
Earth: Top point
45 min
Mars is a unique planet. We constantly hear about new missions to Mars, about new discoveries and hypotheses. Since the time of the first telescopes, Mars has fed the imagination of people, it seemed to be the home of the Martians. How many fantastic books have been devoted to Mars. And how many new things were discovered later, in the 20th century. Can Mars become a second home for humanity?
Space flight. Mission to Mars
39 min
We will go deep into one of the most interesting areas of modern mathematics - fractal geometry, the object of study of which amazes the imagination, bewitches, surprises, frightens, attracts and repels at the same time. And this is pure mathematics! But what are fractals? When did they appear? Where did you come from? Who invented them? The line between mathematics and the real world will rapidly blur. Where will this lead us? What secrets can be contained in this strange word like a fractal?
Perfect Form: The Science of Fractals
45 min
This is the story of our contemporary, a young guy who created his own universe. You can travel along it, you can study it, meet sunrises on incomprehensible planets, see off the sunsets of double stars. In this model, as in the real Universe, there are a huge number of stars and galaxies. And all this was created by one person Vladimir Romanyuk. The film intertwines three dramatic lines, the life of the inventor himself, the history of the emergence and development of his unique creation and, in fact, the life of the cosmos, infinite and incomprehensible.
The Story of one Universe
44 min
This film about the process of technical discovery, insight, the “theory of an internal explosion” of a person was based on real facts and events in 1988 in the USSR related to the implementation of an agreement with the Americans on the elimination of medium and short-range missiles.
Bang Theory
45 min