The film takes the audience on a powerful, visually arresting journey through humanity’s endless cycle of war and peace. The film follows 20-year-old Andriy Suleyman as he tries to secure a sustainable future while navigating the human toll of an armed conflict. From the Syrian civil war to strife in Ukraine, Andriy’s existence is framed by the seemingly eternal flow of life and death.
Film crew
- Director
- Alina Gorlova
- Screen writer
- Alina Gorlova, Maksym Nakonechnyi
- Operator
- Vyacheslav Tsvetkov
- Producer
- Maksym Nakonechnyi, Ilona Bicevska, Patrick Hamm
- Composer
- Goran Gora, Serge Synthkey
- Sound producer
- Vasyl Yavtushenko
- Theme
- War
- Country
- Ukraine, Latvia, Germany
- Film studio
- Tabor LTD
- Festivals
- Artdocfest 2022
- Languages
- Kurdish, Russian, Arabic, Ukrainian, German
- Subtitles
- English