


Aleksandr Melkumov
Aleksandr Melkumov
Окончил ВГИК по специальности кинооператорство. Заведующий сектором цифрового стереокино Научно-исследовательского кинофотоинститута. Член союза кинематографистов России и гильдии кинооператоров СК РФ. Лауреат премии им. Братьев Люмьер Lumiere Awards.
"To be or not to be" - this sacramental phrase is familiar to many. And now the moment comes when the student has to make a personal choice to be or not to be an artist. What attracts them? The profession itself or the way of life in this profession? What is an artist? The film was based on a three-month observation of applicants to the acting department of VGIK.
To be or not to be...
72 min
What is the secret of the theatre's longevity? All successful theaters are different, as are the personalities of their artistic directors. How does the character of the individual affect the atmosphere in the team? Is it possible to bring family values ​​into the team of the professional community? Where is the line between friendship and familiarity? What is a sign of recognition and respect? Musicians, artists, actors have lived in Vladivostok for a long time. They lived together, worked together. They really wanted honor, success, understanding and glory. That is the custom. Who are they? Primorsky Academic Regional Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky.
Father's Theater/Children's Drama
75 min