


Marina Zabelina
Marina Zabelina
Окончила ВГИК (мастерская В.Ман, М.Бабак), Московский государственный социальный университет (факультет журналистики). Возглавляла ряд изданий («Наше кино», «Молодежную газету», «Детство точка RU», «Спорт-тайм»). Основатель медиахолдинга «Культура наций»
These children had no right to a future. After the orphanage, all of them, without exception, had to end up in a psycho-neurological boarding school for adults. House behind barbed wire. From where there is no road to freedom. Almost 20 years ago, volunteers from Moscow came to the Belsko-Ustinsky boarding house. Among them was Alexei Mikhailuk. The man who, together with like-minded people in the Pskov region, created the charitable organization "Rostok". Since then, in the small town of Porkhov there are a lot of people who were previously simply isolated in boarding schools. They learn to live not behind a deaf fence, but as ordinary people. "Rostok" gives hope to those who did not have it. I hope that people who are not needed by their parents and their country can have a future.
God Loves Porkhov
37 min