is an archive of documentary films made in countries of the former USSR since the early 2000s. The catalogue is arranged according to the classic principle of film libraries: it contains a detailed database, descriptions, photos, trailers, screenings, selections and retrospectives.
For the most part, our collection contains films produced without state participation, which therefore have not been retained in archives. Many studios that produced these films no longer exist. Thus, is the only collection where many of these films are preserved for viewers and for the future.
In 2007-13 Artdokfest was held in at the «Khudozhestevenny» film theatre in Moscow. This venue no longer exists in its original form, and we want to keep its memory alive. Our screenings are virtual online events which fully reproduce the principle of screening at a theatre. To see a film all you need is to purchase a ticket for a particular show on a particular date at a cinema of your choice. For each of our screenings there are 605 tickets available — which corresponds to the number of seats at «Khudozhestvenny». Some screenings will be followed by online discussions with film directors and the audience. All films are in Russian (with subtitles, if necessary).
We will screen mostly new documentaries, many of which don't reach many cinemas in Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union. For most directors a screening on our website is the only way to defray at least in part the production costs and therefore continue to make films.
These rating are based on Artdocfest and The Laurel Leaf National Awards. Some films are also reviewed by Artdoc.Media curators.
Not reviewed.
Films that have received low expert reviews.
Films that have been highly evaluated by experts. Films-participants of other festivals in Russia.
Films-participants of international festivals. Films-winners of other festivals in Russia.
Films-winners of international festivals.
Entry in the Artdocfest out-of-competition program.
«Artdocfest Environment» program and The Laurel Leaf second round.
Entry into Artdocfest «From A to A» competition and The Laurel Leaf shortlist.
Winner, Artdocfest and The Laurel Leaf awardee.
Winner, Grand Prix of Artdocfest and at major film festivals. These are documentary classics.
Vitaly Mansky
President of Artdocfest, director and producer
Artdoc.Media is a successor of the Artdocfest Festival. More than ten years ago we saw the need to build a platform for a bright, challenging and talented vision of the way we live, to show to our audience in the real world. Today we see the need to transfer this idea to the virtual world.
Created the Artdoc.Media site was in many ways a forced step. It anticipates actions by the governments of some post-Soviet countries. Governments, that restrict the freedom of thought to the point where it becomes impossible for it to survive. Governments that exercise open or hidden censorship. Pressure to the point of persecution is another reason for creating a site for independent documentaries.
Many people are asking me: «Why are you doing this? Isn/'t it the role of the state to develop the documentary film industry and to preserve the films?». But in my opinion, to combat all this we must not only go to protest rallies and hold signs, but do something concrete: create and preserve the documentary record of our ever-troubled times.