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First days of the War Alina, one of the film’s protagonists, disabled after leg surgery, spends alone with the cat, in her home in a small city near Kyiv. She looks for the ways to escape. The bridges are destroyed. Alina manages to find the only road useful and get away with the cat to her parents, caught by the War in their cottage in the nearby village. For the first weeks of the invasion everyone tries to live normally. The mother conducts online lessons, the father takes care of the cats and all the other animals in the neighborhood left behind, Alina records current events with her camera. The sounds of the approaching front force the family to alter their perspective. The way one sees and feels changes. When the neighbors leave their homes, Alina and her parents, under the cover of the night, hurry to pack. However, at the last moment, the father decides to stay. The camera tells the story of people caught in the war situation caused by the aggressive invasion. It portraits the process of how the family ties, the emotional bonds, relationship with the animals and the country itself – are getting deeper and stronger.