In 1991, the Ukrkinochronika studio filmed the documentary film Widow Street, dedicated to the life of a small Roma community in Transcarpathia. In the short film, portraits of spontaneous, sincere and very beautiful people flashed by in quick succession, a boy passed by, a girl with the amazing name of the Prince danced, songs sung by 12-year-old resident of the camp Yura and the mother of the dancing Princes Wilma sounded. The translation of these songs then, in a hurry, the authors did not recognize. For a bus leaving the camp, children ran for a long time through the snow. This essay is about a trip to the same places twenty years later, in the hope of meeting one of the characters from the previous film and finding out what the then 12-year-old boy Yura and the mother of the dancing Princes Wilma sang about.
- Theme
- History, Lifestyle, Psychology, Village, Ethnography, Family
- Country
- Ukraine
- Film studio
- Inspiration Films
- Genre
- Travelogue, Essay
- Country of action
- Ukraine
- Period of action
- 1991-1996, 2013
- Festivals
- Artdocfest 2013
- Financing
- Independent
- 16+
- Languages
- Russian, Gypsy, Ukrainian
- Subtitles
- Russian, English