


Сантиметры успеха

Santimeters of success

  • 18 min
  • Russian
Any rule always has exceptions. To become part of the art, you need to pass the test, where you are first measured with a ruler, and only then they look at the skill. On the way to the big stage, the main character has a problem that has no solution. Due to her small stature, she was very difficult to get a choreographic education, she cannot perform in the first positions, she is not taken to well-known ensembles. The reason for this is just the numbers, her height is 160 cm. To achieve the main role in the ballet, she needs to try many times more than her tall colleagues. Along the way, she finds mentors who, believing in her, give her the strength to move on. There are much fewer such people than those who do not see prospects in it, appreciating it at first glance. Dance is not just a part of her life, it is life itself.