


Разговоры с предками. Часть 1. Знакомство

Talking with the ancestors. Part 1: Introduction

  • 61 min
  • Russian, Altaic
  • English
The shooting of the film was carried out during an expedition of students of the Department of Ethnology of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University to the Karakol Valley (Republic of Altai). This is a film-search, a search for answers to questions that involuntarily envelop at the first contact with the Karakol valley, at the first conversation in the village, at the first Altaic word, to which you find it difficult to find an equivalent in Russian. In the first part of the film ("Acquaintance"), the authors walk around on a ride from village to village and talk about the role of an ancestor in the life of the Altaians, about the meaning of the concept of souk, about the influence of the Soviet era and unshakable rules that diligently adapt to the 21st century.