In the remote Siberian taiga, the followers of the former policeman Sergei Torop, who declared himself the new Christ, the so-called Vissarionites, are waiting for the end of the world and are preparing themselves and their children for life in a new civilization. Are they all sincerely glad that they left their former life?
Film crew
- Director
- Andis Miziss
- Screen writer
- Elvita Ruka, Andis Miziss
- Operator
- Agrijs Birzulis, Maris Maskalans, Andris Prieditis
- Producer
- Vitaly Mansky, Elvita Ruka, Valery Ruzin
- Theme
- Religion, Psychology, Village, Mysticism
- Country
- Russia, Latvia
- Film studio
- Центр – СКИП – Фильм
- Genre
- Drama, Essay, Interview
- Country of action
- Russia
- Period of action
- 2002
- Festivals
- Lavr doc 2003
- Financing
- Independent
- 16+
- Languages
- Russian
- Subtitles
- Latvian