


Наше кино. Чужие берега. Фильм третий: "Советский паралич - самый прогрессивный в мире"

Our movie. Foreign shores. The third film: "Soviet paralysis is the most progressive in the world"

  • 39 min
  • Russian
The seventies of the 20th century in Soviet cinema are a time of backward movement into their own history, to the roots and origins of that systemic crisis that is beginning to reflect and comprehend the domestic cinema, choking on censorship and gray films. And at the same time, as it becomes clear now, this is a period of active actions by qualified officials who are trying to introduce new management principles that are far from always visible to an outsider. International relations in the course of this largely secret process until recently are slowly but surely winning. About the paradoxes of time, in many ways inaccurately called "stagnant", this picture.