


Music under the Swastika - The Maestro and the Cellist of Auschwitz

Music under the Swastika - The Maestro and the Cellist of Auschwitz

  • 86 min
  • English
Why was classical music so important to Nazis? An insight into that is provided by the stories of a Jewish cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfisch who survived Auschwitz and of a star conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler who worked with the Nazis. The film centers around two people who represent musical culture during the Third Reich. Wilhelm Furtwängler was a star conductor, whereas Anita Lasker-Wallfisch was a cellist of the infamous Women’s Orchestra of Auschwitz. The conductor made a pact with Hitler and his henchmen. The young woman, brought to Auschwitz for being Jewish, was spared death for her musical talent.