A documentary film shedding light on some pages of our space history, telling about the fate of its unknown protagonists, academician Vladimir Ponomarenko, pop artist John Gridunov, doctor-researcher Alik Mnatsakanyan. The film is based on unique video materials filmed during secret experiments with living people, conducted at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine, as well as on modern filming material that tells how they live, what they remember, what they think, what veteran space testers dream of today.
Film crew
- Director
- Alexander Pasechny
- Screen writer
- Andrey Anishchenko, Andrey Zhurankov
- Operator
- Gennady Belyaev, Alexander Negovsky, Maxim Granik
- Producer
- Alexander Gundorov, Sergey Linnikov, Alexey Malechkin
- Sound producer
- Vladimir Nefedov
- Theme
- Science, Medicine, Cosmos
- Country
- Russia
- Film studio
- Центр-Студия национального фильма «XXI век»
- Genre
- Essay, Interview, Archive footage
- Country of action
- Place of action
- Moscow
- Period of action
- 1946-1953, 1954-1961
- Festivals
- Lavr doc 2006
- Financing
- Television
- 16+
- Languages
- Russian