The film gives an unusual perspective to the work of Nizar Ali Badr, a Syrian sculptor whose unique language of stone sculpture radiates happiness and love in the face of war, destruction, migration, poverty and injustice. The pebble sculptures that come to life present us with short stories.
Film crew
- Director
- Gidon Kremer, Sandro Kancheli
- Screen writer
- Gidon Kremer, Sandro Kancheli
- Operator
- Mitya Hageluken
- Producer
- Gidon Kremer
- Composer
- Robert Schumann, Karlheinz Stockhausen
- Theme
- Politics, Music, Animaciya, Art and culture
- Country
- Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, Germany
- Genre
- Experiment
- Period of action
- 2017
- Festivals
- Artdocfest 2017
- Financing
- Independent
- 12+