


Janne Vasarainen
Janne Vasarainen
Начинающий режиссер и недавний выпускник Балтийской школы кино, медиа и искусств. Имеет степень магистра документального кино и степень бакалавра социальной и культурной антропологии (Университет Хельсинки).
War does not affect only the soldiers on the field. The smallest denominator of war is often a child. This smallest piece of the puzzle cannot understand the entire reality of which it is a part. Their experience consists of short moments, full of unclarity, sadness, and often even happiness. The film tries to depict what goes around in the heads of these children, as we follow through the lens a bus full of Ukrainian refugees fleeing toward Finland. To get a better understanding of what a young individual goes through in such a hectic event, we hear stories from ones who have experienced it all - old Karelians. This has happened before, and it happens now. The stories dating back almost 80 years are not that different from the reality we are seeing now.
Children of the Border
17 min