


Natalia Tetenkina
Natalia Tetenkina
Окончила Санкт-Петербургский институт кино и телевидения (неигровое кино, мастерская Валентины Гуркаленко и Марии Морозовой). Победительница фестиваля «ПитерКиТ» за лучший телефильм «Миллениум».
Architecture is one of the reflections of the history and condition of a country. Through the change of architectural styles, one can directly observe how the state and its residents evolve. In the 20th century, Russia underwent several ideological transformations. This applies not only to the government but also to the way people live, as well as the culture that emerged under the influence of these changes. With each change of power, a new type of building emerged – a reflection of the new regime. From 'Stalinkas' to 'Khrushchyovkas,' from 'Brezhnevkas' to 'new panel buildings.' The film "Heritage" delves into the era of avant-garde, particularly into constructivism. With the help of invited experts from various fields, we explore the influence of this era on society and the ideological ideals laid down during the restructuring period. We ask questions and examine how these architectural and ideological changes have affected people's lives and the formation of the national character.
21 min