


Tadeusz Chudy
Tadeusz Chudy
Изучал философию и теорию кино в Ягеллонском университете и кинематографию в Киношколе имени Кшиштофа Кесьлёвского в Катовицах. Визуальный художник, специализирующийся на кино и фотографии.
Tomasz Wojciechowski, captain of the Prison Service, runs the author's rehabilitation program. A group of detainees gets into the care of aggressive dogs from the shelter. Under the captain's guidance, they have 8 weeks to train them to be suitable for adoption. If they fail, the dogs will be put down. Among the students is Rafał – a tough and shrewd prisoner with a long sentence for murder. Work with his ward Odi, step by step, he is letting to surface his hidden emotions. For Captain Tom, this edition of the course is the last one. The prison bureaucracy machine effectively undercuts the wings of his ideals. With the feeling of defeat, he is leaving the service right after the course. Rafał is already a different man. His friendship with Odi has reset his life priorities.
The Pack
52 min