


Ekaterina Fomina
Ekaterina Fomina
Приобрела журналистский опыт, работая специальным корреспондентом независимой российской газеты «Новая газета». Последние 2 года является специальным корреспондентом независимого новостного агентства Istories Media, специализирующегося на расследованиях.
Approximately 400 Ukrainian women are currently held captive in Russia, including civilians detained in occupied territories. The fate of many of them has remained unknown since 2014. Civilian Ukrainian prisoners are often accused of extremism and espionage. After their arrest, women are subjected to rape, humiliation, torture, and are forced to dig trenches for the Russian army.

The heroines of Ekaterina Fomina's film are Ukrainian women who managed to escape captivity, as well as the daughter of an elderly woman who has been imprisoned for seven years.
49 min
We talked to Russian soldiers who had been to several fronts in Ukraine and know what was actually going on there. Members of the Russian Army told us how they invaded Ukraine, who gave them criminal orders, how they plundered and killed civilians. And how commanders of Russian units sent their soldiers to die in order to earn new ranks and medals for themselves. We also met witnesses of these terrible war crimes. Our story covers only one village of Andriivka in Kyiv region, which was occupied by Russian forces for longer than a month. However, there were hundreds of places like that in Ukraine. Right now, everyone of you can contribute to stopping this war. And save not only Ukrainians, but also those Russians who are still made fools of by their authorities with lies about their duty to go and fight in Ukraine and be ready to die there fighting against mythical Nazis. Send this video to your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Especially those who still believe Russian propaganda. The more people find out the truth about this war, the more lives we can spare.
Executions, looting and criminal orders. The firsthand truth about the war
40 min