Окончила университет им. А.И. Герцена, факультет Менеджмента экономики, Санкт-Петербургский Институт кино и телевидения (актер театра и кино) и Московскую школу нового кино (режиссура), мастерская Д. Мамулии.
In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine Yana's deeply personal journey unfolds against a backdrop of chaos and constant feeling of war. She navigates heartbreak family conflicts and a blossoming love with Yaroslava who dreams of defying oppression while battling lung cancer. Their story evolves in a city consumed by violence and oppression.
Before the New Year, Yana begins to have dreams about early childhood, about summer in the village where her family used to live. Yana finds on the Internet confirmation that even now this village has its own life. She goes to where she has not been for 20 years to celebrate the New Year.