


Yuriy Bazhenov
Yuriy Bazhenov
Член Гильдии неигрового кино и ТВ. Лауреат Региональных и Всероссийских телевизионных фестивалей. Дипломант IX Международного фестиваля «Золотой бубен». Лауреат Берлинского фестиваля Delpfik Art Movie Avard (2011).
The action of the picture takes place within the walls of the cardiosurgical department of the Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital, where patients with cardiovascular diseases become the heroes. What is the price of the risk of a cardiac surgeon who decides to operate on a “hopeless” patient, and what is behind this? What does a doctor feel when an 11-month-old baby is on the operating table? What do patients feel and what do they think about when they have to undergo the most complicated open-heart surgery, including the so-called “hopelessly ill”?
Affairs of the Heart
73 min
Over its 200-year history, the Omsk Cadet Military Corps has been in 22 statuses and guises, having gone from the Cossack Military School, the Siberian Gymnasium, the Infantry School to the Higher Military School. This is the first cadet corps in Russia outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in 2009 it was recognized as the best. The film reflects the first days and months of the life of little cadets and the already familiar ordinary everyday life of the elders.
Growing Up School
51 min