


Yaroslav Moshkov
Yaroslav Moshkov
Имеет два высших образования – экономическое и строительное. Руководитель ряда ресурсов, среди которых ИА "Русские Новости", Видеоканал Держава.Ру.
A documentary film about Archpriest Nikolai Ryzhkov, a famous missionary in the Czech land in the early 1920s, before his arrest by the Austrians on August 7, 1914. He was imprisoned until July 1917; on May 7, 1917, he was convicted and sentenced to death. After an interstate exchange for the Uniate Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky) in July 1917, he crossed over to Petrograd. During the revolutionary years, typhus, Spanish flu and other diseases raged in the city. Father Nikolai went from house to house performing services and rites. He did not refuse anyone, which greatly risked contracting himself. In February 1920, he became infected after performing a priesthood at home and died. The film is timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of his birth and the 100th anniversary of his departure to the Lord. Numerous archival documents from the funds of the Slavic Library in Prague, archival records of the daughter and other historical sources were used.
Archpriest Nikolai Ryzhkov. Martyr for the Orthodox faith and fidelity to the Slavs
52 min
In the Lithuanian village of Uzhusaliai, Jonava region, in a picturesque place on the high bank of the Sheshuva River, an elegant white-stone church in the name of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky has been standing for 153 years. It was built by settlers from Russia, who founded the settlement of Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. The building witnessed the flourishing of spiritual life, joy, holidays and human happiness. He survived the temple and tragic events, persecution and the atheistic construction of a “bright future”. For all its existence, it has never been closed, even during the years of wars and repressions.
Temple in the name of the holy blessed prince Alexander Nevsky in Uzusalyai
54 min