The film tells how an 8-year-old girl named Sigrid, who lives with her parents in the city of Mariehamn in the Aland Islands of Finland, spends her summer. She bathes in the sea, meets and embraces familiar and unfamiliar cats in the area, attends open-air concerts of popular music. Then with her mother she goes to Sweden, where she takes part in the international Esperanto culture courses. By the use of Esperanto she easily communicates with people from many different countries, including Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan and Syria. In listening to lectures, concerts, and discussions about living in various countries, and singing songs from Russia and other lands, her world is greatly expanded. Also in the film, a married couple celebrating 27 years of marriage, tells the story of their love. When they met, he lived in Belgium, and she in Poland.