


Ivan Demchuk
Ivan Demchuk
Работал оператором и режиссёром монтажа в Красноярской ГТРК. Затем стал режиссером. Сейчас занимается режиссурой научно-популярных и познавательных фильмов.
Date of birth
A documentary film-study about the most turbulent period of Russian geographical discoveries, when for only 40 years, from 1632 to 1672, the last white spots were filled on the world map and all the lands of the future great empire were plotted for the first time, a significant part of which is located on the territory of the modern republic Sakha (Yakutia).
Get to the edge. Siberian continent
52 min
A project about how medicine and ideas about human health have changed throughout the history of mankind. What methods of treating diseases existed before the advent of microbiology and antibiotics, how much these methods differ from modern ones, did they have any benefit, but most importantly, what role did these methods of treatment play in the history of medicine.
Case histories. Gastroenterology
25 min
What do we know about monsters? In the old days, people with congenital physical defects, or deformities, were called so. But today the word is rarely used in this sense. Nowadays, the monster is usually a fictional character. The protagonist of a movie or book. Absolute evil and the embodiment of our deepest fears. The personification of horror. But the question is, are they born or made like that?
Monsters inside of us
27 min
“Accidents are not accidental” is a well-known phraseological unit. And another common misconception. In fact, accidents are still as accidental. And they happen with surprising regularity. But our egocentric brain, accustomed to total control, does not really like them. That is why "probability theory" is one of the most difficult sections of mathematics.
Nonperfect Random Nature
45 min