


Anastasiya Shtandke
Anastasiya Shtandke
Родилась в г. Хараре (Зимбабве). Окончила МХПИ (факультет графического дизайна) и высшие курсы ВГИК им. С. Герасимова (режиссёр монтажа и телеоператор). Обладатель более 40 дипломов, призов всероссийских и международных кинофестивалей.
Three short stories about people of our time. Natalia is a retiree whose dreams only came true when she came to Moscow with the intention of dying. Jason is an American with three children who settled in a quiet provincial town. Galina is an animation director whose dramatic experiences in her youth led her to make a spontaneous move to Moscow. For each of them, relocating became the starting point for a new chapter in their lives.
Life as it is
26 min
Life in the Sloboda of the Sterligov brothers follows a traditional peasant way of life. As he goes about his daily tasks, German Lvovich reflects on the frailty of life and the emptiness of a godless existence. The sons, Sergiy and Mikhey, are preparing for the opening of the Craft Yard, dedicated to reviving and preserving ancient manual crafts and skills.
The Sterligov Brothers' Sloboda. The Russia We Lost
39 min
Laysan is preparing to represent Russia at the European Table Tennis Championships, behind her are awards and years of sports training on the way to a dream. The strong love of the family and the support of people close in spirit overcome stereotypes and rejection of society, because once Leysan was not destined to even attend a kindergarten. Mom was allowed to bring Leysan to school only once for a memorable photo, and, finding herself behind the fence of the school line, Ramzia, Leysan's mother, decided to develop her daughter's talents. Will Leysan manage to bring victory at the upcoming European Championship in Finland in Tampere?
What happens tomorrow
13 min
It seemed to Igor that he could overcome any obstacle. After a series of life-changing ups and downs, he rethought many of the events that happened to him.


- winner of the 38th VGIK International Festival,
- prize for the best Russian film of the competition program at the International Film Festival "Cinema Without Barriers" (2018).
Thousands Of Faces
13 min
The rejection of one's desires, the pressure of society's stereotypes and a number of life's vicissitudes put the question before the heroine of the film, Anastasia Abroskina, "What are you?"
And What Are You?
7 min