


Dmitry Zhuravlev
Dmitry Zhuravlev
Окончил Российский государственный университет экономики им. Г.В. Плеханова и Московскую государственную юридическую академию. Член «Союза юристов Москвы». Аадвокат Ростовской областной коллегии адвокатов имени Д.П. Баранова.
Date of birth
Every day and every hour, hundreds of thousands of transactions are made in the country, including with real estate. Millions of documents, notaries, multifunctional centers, registration departments, real estate agencies, tax authorities and numerous other organizations and institutions create a magic funnel for an ordinary person, which draws in more and more participants, those who decide to improve their living conditions. The film tells about a real story that happened in one of the Moscow apartments, where a mother and son, having trusted strangers, lost their homes, but managed to keep a roof over their heads and return their property only after contacting lawyers, as well as numerous lengthy lawsuits.
Non humanwise deal
33 min
The events that will be discussed in the film took place in one of the regions of Russia about three years ago. One evening, Ekaterina Nikolaevna was switching TV channels, trying to find some quiet movie, but accidentally lingered on criminal news, which she had never watched. The plot described in detail the history of the detention of the girl. They showed a video of her interrogation, the presenter described in detail what she was accused of. The criminal news host, as always, cheerfully announced that the protagonist of the story was detained by operatives while selling drugs. Ekaterina Nikolaevna unexpectedly felt pity for this distant, unfamiliar and rather young woman. The plot ended, and Ekaterina Nikolaevna thoughtfully switched the TV to another channel. She then could not know what lay ahead for her, and that criminal plot would become her fate.
Unexpected Storylines of Fate
57 min