


Pavel Kobyak
Pavel Kobyak
Окончил Высшее художественно-промышленное училище им.Мухиной и Ленинградский гос. институт театра, музыки и кинематографии. Работал режиссёром-постановщиком фильмов и сериалов, худ. руководителем Amsterdam Chamber Theatre и Ленинградского каменного театра
Date of birth
Meeting of graduates of the railway college. How did their life turn out 20 years later in a huge country?
The College. 20 years later
90 min
The author of the documentary comes to the village of Tverregion, where he was not been for about 20 years. Happy memories of his childhood holidays in this village, about his friends and relatives become sad, as now there are desolation and devastation in these lovely places. The different fates of its inhabitants, who 20 years ago were carefree boys and girls, make us think that a human life depends not only on external circumstances, but also on himself, on his mood, efforts and his own outlook!
Village. I haven't seen you during almost 20 years
54 min
As the years go by, you realize more and more that time is running out. Many ideas can not be realized in time. Therefore, the famous motorcycle traveler Pavel Kobyak and his friend decide to organize an interesting expedition to Mongolia for their elderly fathers. The main goal of the route is the hard-to-reach canyon "Harmen-Tsav", which is located in the heart of the Gobi Desert. A team of 10 people on motorcycles and buggies plans to overcome about 6,000 km through the wild Mongolia. But not everyone will be able to pass the route.
Fathers and Sons. A Challenge
99 min