


Darya Demura
Darya Demura
Окончила философский факультет Белорусского Государственного Университета (психология). Магистр по социологии искусств (Европейский Гуманитарный Университет в Вильнюсе). Окончила Школу документального кино и театра М. Разбежкиной и М. Угарова.
Muhammad, a Yandex.Food courier, delivers food on a bicycle through an empty Moscow due to the coronavirus. 10 hours a day, six days a week. When there are few orders, and there are many couriers, you need to move so that the application that distributes the work "notices" the courier. Therefore, even without orders, Muhammad travels around the city. At home, in the city of Bukhara, Muhammad has a family, parents and three sisters, he graduated from college with a degree in plumbing, but it’s easier to make money in Moscow, and he sends money to his family every month, in Uzbekistan a person can live for a thousand Russian rubles for a month, including "meat, potatoes, carrots, onions."
14 min
Louise is 26 years old and works as an emergency veterinarian. Every day she has to help dozens of animals. Must find a common language not only with pets. Must make a quick decision to save. Must, must, must. Moving, loans, obligations. And if you stop.
52 min
For the last few years, Matvey and Katya have been living in the countryside. An event occurs in their life that leads to a radical revision of the relationship. The past and the present are intertwined in one confused narrative in which the characters lose sleep, kick each other out of the house, throw themselves into their arms, starting a new circle. And it was at this time that friends from Berlin came to visit them.
54 min