


Международный фестиваль документального кино Artdocfest/Riga проводится ежегодно в Риге (Латвия) и является профессиональным смотром с конкурсной и внеконкурсной программами документальных фильмов со всего мира.
A round-table discussion on censorship of the press, political opponents and artists in authoritarian regimes (Russia, Iran) with Askold Kurov, Vitaly Manski, Judith Depaule (director of the Atelier des artistes en exil), Antoine Bernard (advocacy director of Reporters Without Borders), Marie Mendras (professor at Sciences po and author of La guerre permanente. L'ultime stratégie du Kremlin), and Marmar Kabir, an Iranian journalist and member of the Persian editorial staff of Le Monde diplomatique, as well as Alexey Pryanishnikov, Alexander Gabychev's lawyer. After the screening of Of Caravan and the Dogs, on 26 November, at the Luminor Hôtel de Ville cinema.
Comment continuer d’informer sous la censure d’un régime autoritaire? / A round-table discussion on censorship and artists in authoritarian regimes
60 min
A round-table discussion on colonial censorship in Ukraine, where questions of identity, and in particular questions of language, will be addressed. It will take place after the screening of A Bit of a Stranger, on 28 November at the Luminor Hôtel de Ville cinema, in the presence of Svitlana Lishchinska, and Snizhana Krasnytska, Ukrainian actress and director, moderated by Galina Ackerman, writer and human rights activist specialising in the Russian and former Soviet world.
Table-ronde sur la censure coloniale en Ukraine / A round-table discussion on colonial censorship in Ukraine
59 min
In Almaty, on the closing day of the Artdofest/Asia festival, the results of the ArtdocNet-2023 competition were announced. 21 films took part in the competition, all works are available on the Internet.
Results of the ArtdocNet-2023 competition
18 min