


Liliya Vyugina
Liliya Vyugina
Сценарист, режиссер, главный редактор телеканала «Ностальгия», шеф-редактор, продюсер. Четырежды лауреат Премии Артема Боровика, дважды номинант «ТЭФИ», неоднократный призер фестивалей док. кино. Член Союза журналистов и Союза кинематографистов России.
This film tells the story of philologist and literary scholar Alexander Parnis, a legendary researcher of the life and work of Velimir Khlebnikov, and an expert on the Silver Age and Russian avant-garde. Thanks to Parnis, interest in Khlebnikov and the Futurists—who returned to Russian literary history after a long period of neglect—was revived in Russia. Our protagonist sought out people, recorded their memories, and spent countless hours in archives and libraries. He unearthed and introduced into academic circulation numerous texts published under pseudonyms and anonymously. Living an ascetic, nomadic lifestyle similar to Khlebnikov’s, Parnis was driven by his tireless, passionate, and charismatic nature, which fueled his devotion to his work.
Paper Man
84 min
A film about one of the brightest artists of the second Russian avant-garde Hulo Sooster (1924-1970). His outstanding personality had a huge impact on the formation and environment of nonconformist artists, opening them to a different sense of culture. Hulot was the first foreigner they met. Despite the years spent in the camp, in the appearance and behavior of Hulot there was not the slightest hint of inner depression. The camp universities gave Sooster an amazing outlook, not stifled by the blinders of official views. Hulot did not break down in the unnatural conditions of Soviet power, but remained a free man.
Ülo Sooster. The Man Who Dried a Towel in the Wind
84 min
Nikolai Khardzhiev is the greatest connoisseur and collector of the Russian avant-garde, the owner of the rarest works, a collector who had taste, understanding, scent, and remarkable abilities of persuasion. An extraordinary person, a storehouse of knowledge and a keeper of treasures collected in a Moscow apartment. Towards the end of his life, he decided to leave and move his collection and archive to Holland. The result was a personal drama, the death of his wife, and a collection scattered around the world.
Khardzhiev. The Last Russian Futurist
83 min
A film about a village with the poetic name Svetlana, which is located two hours from St. Petersburg. It was built by volunteers more than twenty-five years ago for people with disabilities of physical and mental development, doomed to special psycho-neurological boarding schools of a closed type. Many of them, before they got to the village, could not connect even two words, they sat at home, within four walls. Svetlana avoids the words "disabled" or "sick", preferring to call such people "guys". They do not do miraculous healings and special trainings here, the diagnosis is not important here. Here the children simply create the conditions for a normal human life. Healthy and sick communicate on an equal footing, work together, put on performances and run a joint household. Disabled people do not feel sick and flawed. Everyone is equal here. The shooting of the film lasted about 13 years.
From the life of one village
75 min
When Lyudmila and Andrey Sergeevs, a couple from Moscow, first came to rest in Palanga, they could not even imagine what an impact this family vacation would have on the history of literature of the 20th century. In Palanga, the couple met the poet Thomas Venclova, to whom they soon introduced their friend Joseph Brodsky. The film tells about the role played by Lithuania in the poet's life and about his closest friends, the poet Tomas Venclov and the physicist Romas Katilyus.
Romas, Tomas and Joseph
57 min
In the spring of 1988, in New York, artist Ilya Kabakov is preparing his first foreign installation, Ten Characters. He still does not know how this exhibition at the Feldman fashion gallery will turn out for him and what role these two months will play in his personal and creative life. This is a unique video. The chronicle captures not only creative twists and turns, but also deeply personal experiences associated with the fact that his wife Vika remained hostage in the USSR.
Ilya Kabakov. Not a colorist
25 min