


Aleksandr Elkan
Aleksandr Elkan
Режиссер, сценарист, оператор, монтажер. Окончил Школу документального кино и театра Марины Разбежкиной и Михаила Угарова.
Muhammad, a Yandex.Food courier, delivers food on a bicycle through an empty Moscow due to the coronavirus. 10 hours a day, six days a week. When there are few orders, and there are many couriers, you need to move so that the application that distributes the work "notices" the courier. Therefore, even without orders, Muhammad travels around the city. At home, in the city of Bukhara, Muhammad has a family, parents and three sisters, he graduated from college with a degree in plumbing, but it’s easier to make money in Moscow, and he sends money to his family every month, in Uzbekistan a person can live for a thousand Russian rubles for a month, including "meat, potatoes, carrots, onions."
14 min
Usually people don't think about how they breathe. But try to hold your breath for five seconds. Ten. Fifteen. Is it hard? And how do those who have to fight for every breath live? The film tells about the life of people with the most common rare genetic disease of cystic fibrosis. About 3,500 people with this diagnosis live in Russia. Only a quarter of them will live to be 18 years old.
What is it to breathe?
37 min
Mark is 18, Kirill is a little over 20. They have known each other for only a month, but it seems they are already best friends. Their interests are girls, dancing, cloud rap and skateboarding. An ordinary evening is dancing on the railing of the Crimean bridge, a fight with a taxi driver or someone in a club, riots in public places. Guys often find themselves in situations where they are in danger, although they usually do without problems. The real break begins when the guys go to the Crimea, but soon a fun vacation turns into a test of their friendship.
Hey, bro!
73 min