


Vadim Kondakov
Vadim Kondakov
Окончил Московскую государственную юридическую Академию. Работал журналистом на радиостанции «Эхо Москвы», телеканалах ТВС, РЕН-ТВ, «Настоящее время». Автор цикла передач "Неизвестная Россия".
On Bolshoy Solovetsky Island, on the shores of the White Sea, there are old rickety huts. In winter, no one lives in them, because there is no water, no electricity, no communication. But in the summer, people from all over the country come here who want to earn money. These people, day after day, seven days a week, go by boat to the sea. And they return with an unusual catch. For those who are smarter, he is rich. And some even come back empty-handed. But catching is not the point. There is still a lot of hard work ahead.
48 min
In the north of Russia, far beyond the Arctic Circle, on the shores of the White Sea, on the Kanin Peninsula, there is an amazing settlement. The houses in it, almost to the very roofs, are covered with sand, and the streets are somewhere deep under the sand dunes. From afar, this village can be mistaken for an abandoned one. But people live there. Which spend all their time, all their strength on the battle with the desert advancing on them from the White Sea. The film tells the story of the dramatic transformation of the prosperous fishing village of Shoyna into a dying village, almost completely buried in the sands.
Between sky and sand
43 min