Belarusian video blogger and young farmer Simon, a deeply religious Orthodox Christian, always liked getting philosophical on life, admire Mother Nature and share it with the world. For the last 5 years he and his wife have been living in the village, where they raise two little sons and breed sheep. It seemed nothing could interfere with this joyful harmonious existence in the wilderness. Nevertheless, local residents, administration and the head of the collective farm do not approve of the independent lifestyle of the young family and their open neglect of common rules on life in the village and animal husbandry. Series of litigations exhaust Simon, his video blog gets filled with sarcasm on his previous illusions about romantic ways of life in the nature. Praying God doesn’t help anymore and the farmer dares for a desperate action – hunger strike. He thinks it is the only way to be heard in his struggle with the Belarusian judicial system. Either way, the hunger strike transforms into not so much a social protest as into a trial for the strength of the spirit, faith and love.