
Dmitriy Avrorin
Dmitriy Avrorin
Родился в Новосибирске в 1968 году, закончил Новосибирский университет, востоковед, телевизионный журналист.
Artom and Lilya husband and wife. They are the children of great scientists. Like me too. We were born in Akademgorodok (USSR), the new Atlantis, built by our parents in the 50s. We saw it, lived there. And meeting each other many years later. Being already from completely different worlds, we decided to spend a vacation together. A serious thought about a possible nuclear strike on our native city, on our homeland, made some changes in our trip. And changed our life too. It was Russia, 2014.
Artyom and Lily
55 min
"We propose to look at the history and present day of the Kremlin through the eyes of people who have served the Kremlin for years. The film consists of five episodes. The first is the preparation of the Kremlin for the New Year, the second is dedicated to the Kremlin as a presidential residence, then the Arsenal and military history, the fourth is about symbols, the fifth series talks about the Kremlin as a museum. For example, a woman spent her whole life studying the Monomakh's hat. She, this keeper, talks about this hat like that! However, you need to watch the film," says Vitaly Mansky.
Open Kremlin. Episode - "Museums"
50 min