


Antoine Cattin
Antoine Cattin
Bachelor of Arts at the University of Lausanne (History, Cinema and Russian). Worked as a redactor and editor of the Suisse film magazine “Hors-Champ”. Worked in Russia as assistant of the director with S. Loznitsa.
Date of birth
Saint-Pétersbourg est la ville des rêveurs. Dzhus rêve d’une vie meilleure, Nikita rêve de faire fortune, Dina rêve de prendre le pouvoir et Anna, elle, de prendre sa retraite. Le réalisateur suit ces quatre personnages sur une année rythmée de sept fêtes populaires, alors que l’emprise autoritaire du Kremlin se referme sur chacun d’eux, ne laissant que très peu de place aux rêves. "Holidays" est une tragicomédie qui brosse le portrait d’une Russie contemporaine.

La séance sera suivie d’un débat avec le réalisateur !

St Petersburg is the city of dreamers. Dzhus dreams of a better life, Nikita dreams of making it big, Dina dreams of taking power and Anna dreams of retiring. As we follow these characters over the course of one year and seven popular holidays, the authoritarian grip of the Kremlin is closing in on all of them, leaving very little room for dreams. "Holidays" is a tragicomedy about contemporary and eternal Russia.

86 min
Since 1994, there has been a war in Chechnya. The Sultan's wife was killed, the house was destroyed. He and his son Apti are trying to build a new peaceful life in one of the Russian villages.
Peaceful life
45 min