


Mikhail Elkin
Mikhail Elkin
Окончил МГСУ (Московский Государственный Строительный Университет). С 1998 года работал в ТТЦ Останкино, инженером аппаратное-студийных блоков, монтажных аппаратных и т.д.
Date of birth
This person is included in the list of 100 great diplomats who left a mark on the history of mankind. It was he, Count Ignatiev, who, at the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, signed the Treaty of San Stefano, which liberated Bulgaria from five hundred years of Turkish slavery. Thanks to him, not only Bulgaria, but also Serbia, Montenegro and Romania became independent states. Without it, the map of not only Europe, but also Russia would look different. Through complex negotiations with China, he established firm borders in the Far East, Russia received a territory equal to four France. Thanks to the Beijing Treaty, signed by Ignatiev, the city of Vladivostok appeared on the map of Russia.
Russian Count Bolgarov
44 min
He was appointed commandant of Kabul immediately after the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. And three days later, a reward of one million Afghans was announced for his head. Russian soldier of the Guard, Colonel Yuri Dvugroshev, is at the head of one of the most troubled cities on the planet. Assassinations followed one after another. Although in fact his whole life is a continuous game with death. Why was a real hunt arranged for a Soviet officer? Did he know about the true plans of the USSR regarding Afghanistan? And how did you cope with the management of the rebellious city?
Commandant of Kabul
39 min