


Katy Chevigny
Katy Chevigny
Режиссер и партнер Big Mouth Productions. Она сняла дюжину полнометражных документальных фильмов, а также короткометражных фильмов, видеороликов и веб-эпизодов для некоммерческих и корпоративных клиентов. Была номинирована на премию «Эмми».
Anna, Ole, Fred and Peter are four members of the Emergencies Team — or E-Team — the most intrepid division of a respected, international human rights group (Human Rights Watch). Trained to deal with unfolding crises, the E-Team flies to hotspots all over the world as soon as allegations of human rights abuse surface. Then they get to work — gathering crucial evidence to determine if further investigation is warranted and, if so, to investigate, document, and capture the world's attention. They also immediately challenge the responsible decision makers, holding them accountable. Human rights abuses thrive on secrecy and silence, and the work of the E-Team, backed by their international human rights organization, has shone light in dark places and given voice to thousands whose stories would never otherwise have been told.
E - Team
88 min