


Kristina Kozlova
Kristina Kozlova
Режиссер, продюсер, соучредитель кинокомпании ООО “РД СТУДИЯ”. Работала на телеканалах: Первый, НТВ, Россия 2 и многих других. Первая в мире женщина, побывавшая на Южном полюсе недоступности, участник первой российской женской экспедиции на Эверест.
Antarctica is the most mysterious and little-studied continent on the planet. The largest desert in the world and the coldest place on Earth. 200 years since the discovery of Antarctica excites the imagination of scientists, sailors, romantics and adventurers. The film crew of RD Studio, together with a team of mechanic drivers, went to Antarctica to tell about this mysterious continent and make a unique journey, the first ever fully autonomous Antarctic rally across 3 poles.
Antarctica. Walking three poles
163 min
The film crew of Valdis Pelsh joined the expedition of Russian climbers to Everest in order to climb the highest mountain on Earth. The first expedition was interrupted by a series of earthquakes. In 2016, the group returned to the foot of Everest to tell the story of its conquest and show the process of climbing the main peak of the world from beginning to end.
The high-altitude gene or how to get to Everest
144 min
Few people know, but for the first time Soviet aviation launched airstrikes on Berlin back in August 1941, just 6 weeks after the start of World War II. This picture is about the feat of Soviet military pilots and about the price that had to be paid for a radio message to reach the headquarters “My location is Berlin. Mission accomplished, let's go home".
Berlin 1941. The strongest flew
71 min
The film is dedicated to the main triumph of Russian aviation in the 1930s, the ultra-long transpolar flights made by the crews of Heroes of the Soviet Union Chkalov and Gromov. In unbearable conditions, they conducted a non-stop flight Moscow-North Pole-USA. The story is built on unique documents, the existence of which was not previously known. These are the diaries and manuscripts of pilot Georgy Baidukov, co-pilot of Chkalov's crew, recently found by members of his family. It is they who will shed light on the reliable history of the fate of Soviet heroes. Now these flights are considered the main events of the Soviet aviation of those years.
The people who made the earth round
150 min