


Sergey Debizhev
Sergey Debizhev
Кинорежиссёр, сценарист, актёр, преподаватель. Окончил Ленинградское художественное училище имени В. А. Серова, Ленинградское высшее художественно-промышленное училище имени В. И. Мухиной. Является одним из самых знаменитых клипмейкеров России.
Date of birth
The film touches upon the deep meanings of being, faith, hope and love. This is a large-scale story about the life of the Solovetsky monastery. What is the spiritual life of man? What is a religious tradition and how is it reflected in the modern world? How does faith in God affect people's lives? The Solovetsky Islands are a key point in the spiritual geography of Russia. These places are marked by spiritual, historical, cultural events that have left a deep mark in history and in people's memory. Located on the far outskirts of Russia, the archipelago has become one of the most powerful symbols of the Russian spirit.
Holy Archipelago
98 min
An ode to life, demonstrating the amazing feats, courage, resilience and desire for victory of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad. Despite the fact that more than 78 years have passed since the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, there are still materials that reveal the pages of the heroic history of the besieged city.
Bread, "North" and cobalt
54 min
A documentary cross-section of the era, the phenomenon of Russian rock and its influence on the minds and souls of people during the period of stagnation and collapse of the USSR. The central characters of Debizhev's documentary research are the main figures of Russian rock, to whom maximum attention was riveted in the 80-90s of the last century, Viktor Tsoi, Boris Grebenshchikov and Sergey Kuryokhin.
Rock beyond
80 min
100 years of "revolution" in Russia. 100 years of the catastrophe, the consequences of which Russia and the whole world are experiencing to this day. The picture tells about the causes of the February and October coups, the First World War, external and internal conspiracies that led to the collapse of the monarchy and the entire world order. The film answers some fateful questions and raises new ones: what kind of future do we want to build, how do we see it, in what historical experience should we look for it?
A Hellish Chaos
110 min
The film is a complete work of art with an internal dramaturgy, filming on a scale never seen before, and using the latest advances in imaging technology. The viewer is immersed in the life of the city, feels the beating of his heart. The rare professions presented in the film, peculiar to our city, make the film fascinating even for connoisseurs of St. Petersburg.
Anthem of the Great City
49 min
The film is about a man whose works and name itself were under a strict ban for a long time. Ivan Solonevich is a Russian thinker, politician, writer, publicist and, at the same time, an outstanding athlete, vice-champion of the Russian Empire, one of the creators of the sambo wrestling.
The last knight of the empire
80 min
The famous American Marina Albi, who has been living in Russia for twenty years, embarks on a spiritual journey in the heart of the country. Through her eyes we see problems, joys and the very “fabric” of life in small Russian towns and villages. Her journey is dedicated to the search for the Russian hero, whom she finds at the end of the film. Meeting with him reveals simple and great truths to her. The film tells about how life flows in today's Russian province.
Russian Dream
52 min
The film tells about the activities of an outstanding musician of the late 20th century. We see a large-scale personality with the widest creative range. The film presents various trends, genres, stylistic and conceptual discoveries. The unique video and audio materials included in the film allow a fresh look at the personality, work and life of Sergei Kuryokhin.
Sergey Kuryokhin - a man who changed the world
50 min
St. Petersburg has three theatrical treasures, three imperial theatres. The Mikhailovsky Theater occupies a special place in the history of the cultural capital of Russia. Pushkin, Tchaikovsky, Chaliapin, Sarah Bernard, Shostakovich are some of the names with which the history of the theater is connected. The film tells how the complex and in many ways contradictory history of the theater is connected with the history of Russia.
Masterpieces of World Art. Mikhailovsky Theatre - Saint-Petersburg
26 min
The film tells about the culture and way of life of India and Cambodia, one of the most popular and favorite countries for Russians, as well as about the ancient city of Jerusalem.
In real time (India. Cambodia. Jerusalem)
78 min